There is a nude beach nearby that I visit a few times each summer. I am a middle aged single guy and protical prohibits me from setting up near the single ladies so I generally hang out toward the side but not extremely so as to put me in with the gay crowd.
Often another single guy will set up nearby and start a conversation because two dudes together near the hot chicks doesn't draw the negatory non-verbals a single man does. This way we can decreetly watch some fantastic tits and ass.
One afternoon an older gentleman asked to sit next to me. He was probably in his later sixties, totally naked and pleasant looking. Like me, he was as hairy as a bear and his cock was both circumcised and a normal flaccid length. If I were pressed for a criticism I'd have to confess that his scrotum had an excessively low hang. His testicles looked bulky and awkward and likely slapped against his inner thighs as he walked.
We started a conversation that began with the unusually warm weather then progressed to the recent flooding north of our location and the constant creep of Lyme disease..
His only mention of the big titted woman sitting some distance off to my right involved the passing of his wife, his loneliness and his inability to hit it off with the ladies because of erectile dysfunction. I scratched my head, wondering what type of afternoon I was in for.
The beach is on private land and any type of sexual activity is discouraged to keep everything within legal bounds and I noticed the gentleman had a habit, subconscious or not, of flipping his flaccid penis with a finger. I was curious if someone would notice and say something to him about it but I didn't think anyone was paying any attention to what they assumed were a couple of gay men.
The man stated that what he wanted was to suck a cock. He was finished with the ladies and determined to give men a try. He talked very openly and his honesty was difficult for me to determine. He could've been bullshitting me and be the biggest cocksucker on the beach but he did seem very real. I said nothing either way, not offering nor rejecting. I held little doubt that he was fishing.
After awhile he offered to apply sunscreen to my back. I had brought a tube of lotion for my frontal areas I could reach and a spray can which did a mediocre job on my back and for that reason I mostly lay with my back on the towel. I rolled onto my stomach and felt the man's hands start on the back and sides of my neck.
I will admit the feel of the man's warm hands massaging my shoulder blades and lower back was curiously stimulating but not cock throbbingly so. I assumed the proper thing to do would be to return the favor and the thought if touching his flesh seemed intriguing.
The man, however, did not stop at my lower back but proceeded onto my buttocks. He massaged the lotion across my ass, along the sides of my hips and indiscreetly into my ass crack in such as fashion that his fingertips came into contact with my scrotum.
I was not stunned or shocked and had wondered if this was the avenue he would pursue. He worked his hands down my legs, calves and ankles. He then proceeded to spend an insane amount of time on my left foot, brushing sand off my foot and out from between my toes before performing an incredible foot massage with the lotion.
I realized the man had a severe foot fetish which I could certainly understand with a petite woman's foot in hand but not a calloused guy's foot which spent most of the work day in a steel toed boot. The sensual manipulation of the sole of my foot, the sun's heat on my back and the warmth of the sand radiating upward through my towel began stirring a stimulating series of fantasies in my mind as to what naked men could do to each other.
I rolled onto my back and raised my bent knees toward my chest to both give him better access to the tops of my feet and to fully reveal my cock and balls sandwiched between my inner thighs and my open ass crack. I was testing the depths of his interest.
My cock was not fully engorged but certainly lifted away from my drooping, wrinkle scrotum. I feared I was pushing the limits of allowable acts beyond acceptable limitations yet allowed the man to lotion my other foot as he stared hungrily at my equipment.
I felt much relief when the man stated he needed to visit the outhouse. This of course was code for follow me discretely into the sand dunes. The man gathered up his towel and bag of gear and headed into the dunes appearing to innocent eyes to be nothing more than a sunbather finished for the day and heading back to the car park. After a few minutes I also followed into the dunes leaving my gear behind so as to appear as heading toward the potapotties to relieve my bladder.
The man was waiting for me in the dunes and I followed him to a more discretely location. He spread his towel out on the sand and I lay down on my back with my knees pulled up as I had for the foot massages. He dropped to his knees with his legs spread wide and his kneecaps straddling my hips. I watched him rummage a tube of lubricant from his carry bag and squeeze a generous gob onto his thumb and into my butt crack. As the warm, thick gel dripped onto the area around my anus I knew that I had been totally fooled. This timid, elderly man, so lonely that he desired accompaniment of other men was really an experienced ass pounder and had probably sucked more cock than the Happy Hooker.
His thumb toyed the gel into my hole quite easily and he roughly tugged my scrotum to pull my erect cock upright. He swallowed my cock, squeezed my balls and probed my ass. His thumb was not quite long enough to hit my zone but the fullness it provided felt rather nice. I found his technique fresh, a position in which I had not been blown before. He brought me to the point where my abdominal muscles began tightening but not to the point of actual ejaculation.
He pulled away from me and straightened his back. I sensed a change in his demeanor and curled my back somewhat so as to see what he was up to. He seemed angry , or at least impatient, and reached into his bag for something. I had a brief moment of fright as if he were possibly reaching for a knife but I noticed his penis was very stiff and his glans wet and glistening. He certainly did not have any erectile disfunction. He had retrieved a condom from his carry bag and I watched with some anticipation as he tore it open and rolled it over his cock. He then applied more lubricant to his sheathed penis and put his whole weight to the my shins, pressing my thighs firmly into my chest.
His cock entered me easily and mostly painlessly. He easily hit my zone and set off a series of unmanageable sensation from my over stimulated prostate. I felt very full, as if gassy, and the internal pressure of his erect cock inside me pressed on the back of my eyeballs.
He pumped in short, furious thrusts that caused his pelvis to painfully press against my scrotum. At first I concentrated on the electrical fingers tickling my legs and intestines but the pain in my testicles because severe enough for my penis to wither and for me to groan with each of his thrusts.
He pulled out of me and I looked up to see his cock was still hard. He called me an old queer which stuck me as odd since he was much older than me and then slapped me across the side of my face. I was quite surprised at this and when he slapped me smartly on the hip a few times I understood this to be his thing. He was a dominate upper and that was fine with me as I had only intended to get my cock sucked and perhaps return the favor to his softie.
He ordered me to rollover onto my knees so I did. He dug his thumbs roughly into my crack and somewhat painfully stretched my opening wide. He entered me again and rammed himself home, pressing my forehead into the sand. He pumped hard, while calling me derogatory names and slapping my right hip. My hip quickly became irritated and I wished he would change sides but then he reached around to grab my penis as he came inside me.
My cock was flaccid and
felt extremely withered. He toyed with the tip of my cock and the fluid that had been leaking from it. I wasn't sure if I had came or not. My balls ached and my cock was dripping onto his towel. He remained hugging me from behind, pinching my penis between his thumb and finger. I reached behind me and flickered his spent, soft cock out of me and felt his condom hanging out of my hole.
He handed me some tissues from his bag and sat on his towel. He seemed tired and spent and his demeanor had became friendly again. He did not ask if I had been satisfied but did apologize for being rough. He said nothing about his deception and neither did I. He told me the name of his hometown which happened to be no more than forty minutes from mine. He then told me his street name and the location of a coffee shop to meet up at when I felt the need for another fucking. His roughness gave me pause so I said nothing as I pulled his condom out of my ass and cleaned myself
We parted ways soon after, he to his car and me to my gear on the beach. My hip was beet red from his beating but no one seemed to notice. I sat on my towel for several minutes to collect my thoughts and give the perception of a sunbather returned from the outhouse. I watched the big titted woman collect her things and marveled at the tremendous hang of her breasts when she bent over to received her towel from the sand. She had noticed me watching and as she walked past made an obvious show of looking at my tiny, flaccid penis with a disappointed and dismissive look. She had idea she was looking at my post fucking state of manhood.